Principles of Real Estate Practice in Florida
Principles of Real Estate Practice in Florida contains the essentials of Florida real estate law, principles, and practices necessary for basic competence as a real estate professional and as mandated by Florida license law for the FREC 1 sales associate prelicense course. Complies with the new FREC 1 outline effective 1/1/2023.

Tables of Contents
- The Real Estate Business
- Real Estate License Law and Qualifications for Licensure
- Real Estate License Law & Commission Rules
- Authorized Relationships, Duties, and Disclosure
- Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures
- Violations of License Law, Penalties, and Procedures
- Federal and State Laws Pertaining to Real Estate
- Property Rights: Estates & Tenancies; Condos, Coops, CDDs, HOAs, and Time-Sharing
- Title, Deeds & Ownership Restrictions Legal Descriptions
- Real Estate Contracts Residential Mortgages
- Types of Mortgages and Sources of Financing
- Real Estate Related Computations; Closing Transactions
- The Real Estate Market and Analysis Real Estate Appraisal
- Real Estate Investments and Business Opportunity Brokerage
- Taxes Affecting Real Estate
- Planning, Zoning and Environmental Hazards
Principios de Práctica Inmobiliaria en Florida
Principios de Práctica Inmobiliaria en Florida contains the essentials of Florida real estate law, principles, and practices necessary for basic competence as a real estate professional and as mandated by Florida license law for the FREC 1 sales associate prelicense course. Principios de Práctica Inmobiliaria en Florida contains the same content as Principles of Real Estate Practice in Florida, but has been translated word-for-word into Spanish by an experienced Florida real estate instructor.
Tables of Contents
- El Negocio Inmobiliario
- Ley de Licencia de Bienes Raíces y Calificaciones para la Licencia
- Ley de Licencia de Bienes Raíces y Reglas de la Comisión
- Relaciones, Deberes, y Divulgaciónes Autorizadas
- Actividades y Procedimientos de Intermediación Inmobiliaria
- Violaciones de la Ley de Licencias, Sanciones y Procedimientos
- Leyes Federales y Estatales Relacionadas con Bienes Raíces
- Derechos de Propiedad: Propiedades y Arrendamientos; Condominios, Cooperativas, CDD, Asociaciones de Propietarios y Tiempo Compartido
- Título, Escrituras y Restricciones de Propiedad
- Descripciones Legales
- Contratos Inmobiliarios
- Hipotecas Residenciales
- Tipos de hipotecas y fuentes de financiación
- Cálculos Relacionados con Bienes Raíces y Cierre de Transacciones
- Análisis y Mercados Inmobiliarios
- Tasación de Bienes Raíces
- Inversiones Inmobiliarias y Corretaje de Oportunidades de Negocio
- Impuestos que afectan a los bienes inmuebles
- Planificación, Zonificación y Riesgos Ambientales

FL-RELEP is a modern learning tool designed to prepare real estate candidates to pass Florida’s licensing exam. FL-RELEP has comprehensive yet concise content and questions covering national principles, math, and Florida law in the same order as the 50-page promulgated FREC 1 outline (effective 1/1/23).

- Florida Practices & Law Key Point Review in the same 19 sections as the FREC 1 prelicense course (80 pages)
- Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice (20 pages)
- 20 Practice Tests covering Florida and National Content in FREC 1 order (585 questions with explanations)
- Florida License Exam Simulation (100 questions with explanations)
Tables of Contents
- The Real Estate Business
- Real Estate License Law and Qualifications for Licensure
- Real Estate License Law & Commission Rules
- Authorized Relationships, Duties, and Disclosure
- Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures
- Violations of License Law, Penalties, and Procedures
- Federal and State Laws Pertaining to Real Estate
- Property Rights, Estates and Tenancies
- Title, Deeds & Ownership Restrictions
- Legal Descriptions
- Real Estate Contracts
- Residential Mortgages
- Types of Mortgages and Sources of Financing
- Real Estate Related Computations; Closing Transactions
- The Real Estate Market and Analysis
- Real Estate Appraisal
- Real Estate Investments and Business Opportunity Brokerage
- Taxes Affecting Real Estate
- Planning, Zoning and Environmental Hazards
FREPSA is an applied principles coursebook for newly-licensed sales associates beginning their real estate careers in Florida. It is designed to satisfy your one-time postlicense requirement as a sales associate actively practicing real estate in Florida. FREPSA is used with approved sales associate postlicensing courses throughout Florida.
- 330 pages of comprehensive coverage of Florida postlicensing topics
- Available in printed, PDF, Word, ePub formats
- Comprehensive 360 slide PowerPoint Presentation
- FREC required learning objectives and timed outline
- Section review questions
- Practice exam
Tables of Contents
- Real Estate Specializations
- Florida License Law Review
- Florida Brokerage Relationships Review
- Property Disclosures & Professional Practices
- Brokerage Practice Regulations
- Fair Housing and Landlord-Tenant Laws
- Condos, Co-ops, Timeshares, HOAs, CDDs
- Foreclosures and Short Sales
- Real Estate Market Economics
- Estimating Property Value
- Real Property Investment Analysis
- Property Insurance
- Risk Management
- Property Management
- Construction Terminology
- Elements of the Listing Process
- Inside the Sales Contract
- Real Estate Mathematics

FLA.CE is specifically designed for Florida real estate licensees and for their fulfillment of Florida’s real estate continuing education requirements. As such, the course carefully complies with FREC requirements and specification for content coverage, organization length, format, and final examinations.

- 185 pages of comprehensive coverage of Florida continuing education topics
- 3 hours of core law, 3 hours of business ethics and 8 hours specialty credit (Table of Contents below)
- Available in printed, PDF, Word, ePub formats
- FREC required learning objectives and timed outline
- Section review questions
- Interactive Exercises
- 5 Course Final Examinations
Tables of Contents
CORE LAW (Hours 1-3)
- Unit 1: License Law and Regulations Update
- Unit 2: Brokerage Relationships & Licensee Disclosures
- Unit 3: Brokerage Operations Regulation
- Unit 4: Professional Practices & Realtors® Code of Ethics, Part I
- Unit 5: Realtors® Code of Ethics, Part II Unit 6: Realtors® Code of Ethics, Part III
- Unit 7: Fair Housing, Antitrust, & Other Anti-Discrimination Laws
- Unit 8: Property Management and Landlord-Tenant Relations
- Unit 9: Risk Management
- Unit 10: Homeowners Insurance and Flood Insurance
- Unit 11: RE Economics & Valuation Unit 12: Analysis of Capital Gain
- & Cash Flow
- Unit 13: Florida Sales Contracts
- Unit 14: Pre-closing and Closing